Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Foggy, Doggy Kinda Day

"Look it's a view from the TC Saddle Chair!
No - that's Flaine, France somewhere in the fog!!

Today was a day of typical NZ visibility. And we're getting soft!! I didn't even think about going out. Graeme decided he would go skiing for the morning at Flaine as there was both low & high level cloud. While it wasn't sunny at Flaine, it's higher altitude meant that Graeme was at least out of the lower level fog for most of the time.

I confess to being a "whimp" and choosing to stay warm & cosy at Le Refuge. I know, I know, I've gone soft. I often profess to being the "fog queen" at Treble Cone, but the difference of course is that I know TC like the back of my hand. And besides I hadn't finished my french homework. Yes, I'm a nerdy swat too!!

2/ Only the "coolest" huskies cross their paws!!"

After lunch we headed back up the hill to see the dog sledding. Unfortunately, we had missed the racing but we were able to walk around the camp and see all dogs, sleds and parapharnalia involved with this sport.

It was really cold today - about -5C all day. I couldn't help but think how happy the huskies and malamutes looked. Lounging around in snow on a bleak cold day must be Huskie Heaven or at least the equivalent of a human tourist basking themselves on a beach in the tropical sun. In contrast, I always think that the poor old huskies in NZ look positively hot and bothered when I've seen them racing at the Snow Farm!

3/ Dogs in the van. Mushers in the snow?!!?"

One thing we couldn't work out was why these particular "Mushers" slept outside while their dogs were housed in nice snug cages inside the van. Huskies & Malamutes with their double fur lined jackets would have been happiest outside. And then we spied their dogs. Obviously they couldn't afford to feed a team of huskies. Their team was a motley crew of skinny German short haired pointers. They must have been the laughing stock of the pack! To keep them warm, they all had little jackets and booties on! Can you imagine what the Huskies and Malamutes were thinking!! Obviously, their owner's had a sense of humour. Check out the side of their van!!

4/ "Mushers with a sense of humour"
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