1/ A Blue Bird day! Light fluffy snow!
We enjoyed another top up of snow overnight. About 15 - 20cm. In contrast to the wet & heavy snow we received on Friday night, it was top quality. Fluffy, light and dry. Yesterday evening, after our french lessons with Liz , we joined Rick in town for an aperitif. We also met up with a UK family who had actually been to Wanaka, albeit in the 90's. We enjoyed reminiscing with them, but warned that Wanaka was no longer the sleepy second cousin to Queenstown. There had been a lot of development in the last 10 years!! They may not recognise the place!!
Then it was back to Rick & Liz's for a delicious bowl of pasta. As always the conversation flowed and it appeared that we might be in for another big night. But just before we succumbed to temptataion, Graeme looked out the window to see that it was still snowing. We pulled the pin!It was going to be a powder morning. Well, as our diehard ski friends know... there are certain rules of engagement when a powder day is in the pipeline!!
Hallelujah!! It seems like we have breathed some life back into the old camera. It was working today, although it appears that the exposure was set too high given that some of our photos are quite washed out. Hopefully we can get this fixed soon! Buying a new camera is most definitely not in the budget!! But we think we may have the movie thing sorted. And while the footage will never be top quality given the size of our little camera, you can now actually see the skier. Always helpful!! Click on http://picasaweb.google.com/TeWanaka/ArachesWeek10?authkey=erJxyjT9YrI# for some of our little clips and commentary.
And the carnage?!! On our third run of the morning, Graeme managed to do a quite spectacular forward somersault off a steep slope and land on a beginners run, sprawled on his back! As breathtaking as the fall was, Graeme was completely unhurt, except maybe for his ego! His backpack had absorbed much of the impact. But alas, inside the backpack was his only pair of sunglasses! Bother!!
2/ The sacrificial sunglasses!!
Our quirky photo of today goes to a very well dressed English lad, who obviously decided to set a new fashion trend in ski wear today. Very stylishly dressed with suit and tie, he certainly caught people's attention as he skied down the slopes with his tie flapping over his shoulder!
3/ What every well dressed British skier is wearing this season!!
Daily Life at "Le Refuge": Over the last few weeks, Graeme and I have developed a highly efficient morning routine which ensures that we are always first in the lift queue and waiting for the gondola to open. It goes something like this:-
- 7.15 am - Alarm goes off. I get up, switch on the computer and put the kettle on.
- 7:25 - I call "Goodmorning" to Graeme, who, on hearing my dulcet tones generally pulls the duvet over his head and emits a low grunt.
- 7:25- 7:40 - I check the emails and report any important news to Graeme who has now snuggled even deeper under the duvet. It is rare that I receive any further acknowledgement or conversation at this point.
- 7:40 - Set the table for breakfast. Remind Graeme to get up.
- 7:40 - 8:00 Start to eat breakfast while listening to the moans and groans from Graeme as he finally gets himself vertical! At some point during this period, Gra will arrive at the breakfast table. After 17 years of marriage, I have learnt that it best not to try and make any conversation with my dear husband at this time of the day. I respond only when spoken to. (I suspect he wishes this was true for the rest of the day!)
- 8.00 - 8:15 - Make lunch and clear breakfast while Graeme does his ablutions.
- 8:15 - 8:20 Brush my teeth, hair (optional now that it's so short!!) and put on my ski gear.
- 8:20 - 8:30 Clear the car & sometimes the driveway of snow. Start the car to get it warmed up, load the skis and gear.
- 8:40 - Sit in the car and wait for Graeme.
- 8:45 - 8:50 arrive in Les Carroz park the car and join the lift queue.
At this particular point Graeme has asked....WHO IS THE ONE WHO GROVELS IN THE SNOW, ICE AND MUD PUTTING THE CHAINS ON & OFF???? Point well made!!
4/ Attempted self portrait of me clearing the car of snow this morning!!
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