Well that's it for us. Just over 5 months in the French Alps and we begin the long journey home via Australia.
Our thoughts are in a whirl as we scrub "Le Refuge" from top to bottom. But before we know it, it's 3 o'clock and we are dropping in the keys to Liz and saying our final final farewells to her and Sue who has dropped by. Tears from Liz as we hug our delightful friend, neighbour and ever so patient french professor and say "au revoir".
It is rather fitting that our final memory in Europe is of being lost in Geneva as we attempt to deliver the car back to the French side of Geneva Airport. We'll have mixed emotions about our dear "Penny" the GPS who has been diabolically unhelpful on occasions.
The list of things that we'll miss about living in Europe is long:
- The endless powder snow that was the hallmark of the 2008/2009 season,
- spectacular vistas of the European Alps;
- cheese....although we may have overdosed a little
- abundant and affordable red wine
- french bread, patissieries & charcuterie
- the sound of the beautiful french language
- and most importantly the friends that we have made along the way.
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