Ok, so now it really is snowing!! The previous storms have obviously just been teasers to the main event! That's the neighbour digging out his driveway with a tractor. Our equipment was a little less serious! Graeme leapt at the opportunity to start up H & M's snow blower! See the photo. He loves doing this kind of thing - a bit like using the ride on lawn mower or whipper snipper. Shame we don't have a call for this kind of thing at home...he'd be a natural!!
But not wanting to denegrate his efforts with the blower, I managed to clear just as big an area with the trust ol' snow shovel!!
The need to get winter tyres for the car has become a priority. Liz to the rescue again. She also needed to have some for their second car so she made an appointment for us as well with a tyre outlet down in the valley.

Today was a "stay put" kind of day. We only ventured out late in the afternoon when it had stopped snowing and then only on foot to Les Carroz, discovering a new walking track along the way.
1 comment:
Hey Oxleys, Telfords in Wanaka. Good read. Sue attended John's funeral, it was a great tribute and Meg was a rock. After John departed Meg disappeared as to be expected. A great loss to us all.
Awesome trip, a blog is a good idea.
Cheers ! Sue & Gerald
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